Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:07 PM |
Trend Direction: | BUY |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 3.36 |
Entry Point Price | 1.0427 |
Price Stop Loss | 1.03942 |
PriceTake Profit | 1.05373 |
Bearish, strength: | 0.00% |
Bullish, strength: | 100.00%, |
Sideways, strength: | 0.00%, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | 10.32 %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | 1.03942/1.05373 |
Nearest Time Level: | 2025-01-26 |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:07 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.18 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:08 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.06 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:11 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 3.12 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:08 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 6.38 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:08 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 18.24 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:09 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.81 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:09 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.12 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:09 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.58 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:10 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 2.17 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:10 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.32 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:10 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.95 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:10 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 1.36 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:11 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.75 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:11 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.14 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:11 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 9.13 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:11 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.04 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:12 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 2.98 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:12 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.36 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:12 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.35 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:13 PM |
Trend Direction: | SELL |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.89 |
Entry Point Price | 2674.87 |
Price Stop Loss | 2727.28 |
PriceTake Profit | 2616.03 |
Bearish, strength: | 40.00% |
Bullish, strength: | 60.00%, |
Sideways, strength: | 0.00%, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | 22.83 %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | 2616.03/2727.28 |
Nearest Time Level: | 2025-01-03 |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:13 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.19 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:13 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 1.42 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:13 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.99 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:14 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.23 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:16 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.99 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:17 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.27 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:18 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.33 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:18 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.82 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:18 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 2.5 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:18 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 61.25 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:19 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 2.48 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:19 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.27 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:19 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.41 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:17 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.5 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:17 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 5.4 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:17 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 2.26 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:02 PM |
Trend Direction: | BUY |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.34 |
Entry Point Price | 95563.66 |
Price Stop Loss | 94696 |
PriceTake Profit | 95861 |
Bearish, strength: | 10.00% |
Bullish, strength: | 70.00%, |
Sideways, strength: | 20.00%, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | 19.73 %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | 94696/95861 |
Nearest Time Level: | 2025-01-11 |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:02 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 1.3 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:02 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.3 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:03 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.84 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:03 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 1.06 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:03 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 1.01 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:03 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.74 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:04 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.76 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:04 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.71 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:04 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.1 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:04 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.79 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:04 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 5.8 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:05 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.29 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:05 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 5.23 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:05 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.36 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:05 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 1.05 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:05 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 1.18 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:06 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.45 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:06 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 2.09 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:06 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 2.8 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:06 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.62 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:14 PM |
Trend Direction: | FLAT |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.57 |
Entry Point Price | 33575 |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | 50.00% |
Bullish, strength: | 0.00%, |
Sideways, strength: | 50.00%, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | 2.7 %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | 33068/33866 |
Nearest Time Level: | 2024-12-22 |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:14 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.04 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:14 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 1.69 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:15 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.21 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:15 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 39.8 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:15 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 2.12 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:16 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.09 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:16 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.5 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:16 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.31 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:19 PM |
Trend Direction: | BUY |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.3 |
Entry Point Price | 449.56 |
Price Stop Loss | 434.095 |
PriceTake Profit | 454.17 |
Bearish, strength: | 10.00% |
Bullish, strength: | 80.00%, |
Sideways, strength: | 10.00%, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | 0.97 %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | 434.095/454.17 |
Nearest Time Level: | 2025-01-18 |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:20 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 1.77 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:20 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.09 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:20 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 56.05 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:20 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.63 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:21 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 2.89 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:21 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 2.58 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:21 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 1.52 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:21 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 21.64 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:22 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.39 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:22 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 10.88 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:22 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.12 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:22 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 15.17 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:23 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 5.19 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
Date | Dec 22, 2024 6:00:23 PM |
Trend Direction: | Locked |
Risk / Reward Ratio :1 x | 0.05 |
Entry Point Price | --- |
Price Stop Loss | --- |
PriceTake Profit | --- |
Bearish, strength: | --- |
Bullish, strength: | ---, |
Sideways, strength: | ---, |
Strenght of Trend derection: | --- %, |
S&R (Support & Resistance) Levels: | --- |
Nearest Time Level: | --- |
1. FX currency
2. Commodities
3. Crypto
4. Indices
5. Stocks
1. Search for entry points
2. Determining the pattern models
3. Identify levels of support and resistance
4. Calculation of stop-loss and take-profit levels
5. Evaluation of the current market trend and modeling of the possible price movement.
6. Search for possible extremes
7. Determination of stagnation or consolidation of the price trend
8. Searching for the relationship between of the price and time levels